optical sensors

get GSD and footprint

sensor specifications        sensor specifications        sensor specifications
Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]        H flight height [meters]        imW image width [pixels]
Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]        Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]        Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]
H flight height [meters]        Ps pixel size [microns]        Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]
imW image width [pixels]               H flight height [meters]
imH image height [pixels]              
image specifications        GSD        GSD
GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]
DW footprint width [meters]              
DH footprint height [meters]              

H flight height [kilometers]        GSD Pan panchromatic GSD [centimeters]        Teta pointing angle/ off nadir angle [degrees]
Lambda center wavelength [micrometers]               GSD nadir ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]
D aperture size [centimeters]              
GSD        multispectral GSD        GSD at given pointing angle assumed flat earth
GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        GSD MS multispectral GSD [centimeters/pixel]        GSD off nadir ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]

get aperture size

H flight/ orbit height [kilometers]
Lambda center wavelength [micrometers]
GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]
aperture size
D aperture size [centimeters]

get flying/ orbit height

GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]
Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]        Fr focal length of the camera millimeters        Lambda center wavelength [micrometers]
imW image width [pixels]        Ps pixel size microns        D aperture size [centimeters]
Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]              
flying height        orbit height        orbit height
H flight/ orbit height [meters]        H flight/ orbit height [kilometers]        H flight/ orbit height [kilometers]

get focal length

GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]
imW image width [pixels]        imW image width [pixels]
H flight height [meters]        H flight height [meters]
Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]       
focal length        focal length approximation for when Sw not known
Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]        Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]

get sensor width

image specifications       
imW image width [pixels]        imW image width [pixels]
GSD ground sampling distance [centimeters/pixel]        Ps Sensor Pixel size [microns]
Fr focal length of the camera [millimeters]       
H flight height [meters]       
sensor width        sensor width
Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]        Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]

get pixel size

Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]
imW image width [pixels]
pixel size
Ps pixel size [microns]

get field of view

Sw sensor width of the camera [millimeters]
Sh sensor height of the camera (optional) [millimeters]
Fr focal length [millimeters]
field of view
FOV H field of view horizontally [degrees]
FOV W field of view vertically [degrees]

SAR sensors

get slant range resolution

B CHIRP bandwidth [megahertz] e.g. Radarsat2: 11.3 - 100 mHz, TerraSAR-X: 150/300 mHz,
slant range resolution
Psr slant range resolution [meters]

get ground range resolution

Psr slant range resolution [meters]
H flight/ orbit height (not so important) [kilometers]
Beta local incidence angle [degrees]
ground range resolution
Pg ground range Resolution [meters]

get azimuth range resolution

D antenna dimension in azimuth direction [meters]
azimuth range resolution
Pa azimuth range resolution [meters]